Re: Internet Worm

Jonathan M. Bresler (jmb@kryten.Atinc.COM)
Mon, 17 Oct 1994 18:39:37 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 17 Oct 1994, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

> "Jonathan M. Bresler" says:
> > 	BUGGER the vendors.  what with FreeBSD, linux, NetBSD, 4.4BSD 
> > Lite and the rest of source code available UNIX operating systems.  get 
> > the source.  read the source.  use the source.  after all its ours now!  
> > the owner-de-jour of the code has declared 4.4BSD Lite free of taint.
> [...]
> > 	anyone want to create drop in replacement packages for sun, sgi 
> > and the rest of the hardware vendors?
> Try fixing a kernel bug with non-vendor sources. Hell, try fixing most
> problems with non-vendor sources. Furthermore, my clients pay lots of
> money for software support so that they don't have to fix the problems
> themselves. Frankly, I think you are absolutely and completely wrong
> on this.

	rcp, rsh, rlogin....are not kernel sources.  try making the 
code--works fine.  

	if youre saying that there are kernel bugs that compromise the 
system.....then whose fault...where should we send our money?

	lots of money for software support--which version of sendmail is 
sun shipping these days?  who ships the machine wide open?  which binary 
only bug fix was it that openned more holes than it fixed.  

	bitter?  damn right i'm little bitter about this.  if my car 
worked this way, i'd...i'd.....i' japanese.  (oh yeah, thats 
right, i did buy japanese last time.....thanks to entrusting gm with my 
money once too many times.)

	damn it, we pay for this level of service as well--twice.  once 
for the vendor to do his part and then once for our own staff to fix the 

	look i like suns, i just wanna spend more time using it and less 
time fixing the holes.

	i posted the first part in a fit of pique.  i should have just 
let it ride.  maybe someone will be helped by my advice, maybe not.

	sigh.  best of luck.


Jonathan M. Bresler	| Analysis & Technology, Inc.  
						| 2341 Jeff Davis Hwy
play go.					| Arlington, VA 22202
ride bike. hack FreeBSD.--ah the good life	| 703-418-2800 x346